Community Ofrenda

Past event
Oct 31, 5 PM to 12 AM, Nov 2, 2022

I grew up in Texas in a largely Mexican community where, this time of year, families tricked, treated *and* built an altar—la ofrenda (offering)—to honor and celebrate ancestors and loved ones who had died.

Ofrendas included photos of loved ones, their favorite items or small objects representing them, notes to them, poems and artwork, fresh, dried and faux flowers, candles, stones, candy skulls and other colorful decorations intended to encourage their spirits to visit the living.

This and other rituals of Día de los Muertos (which may have Aztec and Spanish roots) mark an annual "family reunion" of the living and the dead.

As I pondered what to do with the now-empty window ledges lining the front of our house, it occurred to me that they'd make a great location for a community ofrenda.

If you feel inclined, come by and view and/or contribute your own offering to the altar, which will be set up starting October 31 @ 5p through November 2 along the front of 124 S. Craftsbury Rd (white house on the corner next to the genny).

You can bring any token, memento, photo or decoration you like. There will be blank paper and pens available if you'd like to write a message, poem, quote or simply scribble your loved one's name(s).

**Items you want back can be picked up again any time during daylight hours on November 3. To be safe, do not leave any valuables or items you'd be sad to lose. Items not picked up will be stashed for next year's ofrenda!

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124 South Craftsbury Road, Craftsbury, VT, USA

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