Hello Neighbors.
In a March 2014 opinion piece, Free Press editorial page editor Mr. Soga appealed to readers that the City of Burlington should, “expand opportunities for civic engagement”. In the same editorial piece he also declared that, “the right to vote should remain a reward and responsibility that comes with citizenship.”
Participation in local elections among residents who are “non-citizens” has been a topic of debate in Burlington for almost a decade now, when a local group Vermont Immigrant Voting Alliance (VIVA) raised the issue publicly.
When the issue was revisited at a January 21st 2012 City Council meeting, a draft of the ballot question that was being proposed read as follows:
“Shall the City Council prepare an amendment to the City Charter allowing the right to vote in any City or School election or ballot question for any non-United States citizen who has been a resident of Vermont for at least two years and who is and has been a resident of the City for at least one year?”
This proposal was never brought to the voters for formal action or resolution, and many believe that now is the time to do so. Voting eligibility is an issue for voters and their communities to decide, not just elected officials.
Please come and join community members in the first (reintroduction) of several public discussions to follow, on the pros and cons of extending voting rights to individuals who have yet to achieve citizenship in the U.S., but may contribute greatly to the political economy of the City of Burlington by participating more fully in our local government.
Date: 7/1/2014
Time: 5:00pm – 7:30
Location: Fletcher Free Library, Fletcher Room
Contact: Infinite Culcleasure – infinite.culcleasure@gmail.com
Mar 4, 2025, 6:30 to 8:30 PM
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