Volunteers Needed: Halloween Parade Event

Past event
Oct 31, 2022, 3:30 to 6 PM

Honeybee Steelband is greatly in need of volunteers to help with upcoming large Halloween event in Montpelier.

Kids of all ages welcome: there is going to be trick or treating at Downtown Montpelier businesses (or avoid candy altogether and focus on this amazing pollinator protectors' multicultural music and dance event instead...) Wearing a bee costume is not required - the parade includes all costumes!

Crowd management and directing traffic during the parade. (4 people)
Face-painting (2 people)
Applying stripes to peoples' clothing. (2 people)
Distributing antennas and T-shirts etc....(2 people)
Dancing (50-100 people!! - rehearsals not required)

Voicing your concerns about bees and other pollinators to News Media (5 - 10 people)
Experienced percussionists (2)
Professional-level conga player who can walk and play at the same time (1)
Brass horn players with very good rhythm skills (4 people needed)
Extremely skilled jazz saxophonists (1 - 4 needed)

See attached flier/s...

Please respond via email to livehive802@gmail.com

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