On Saturday November 12, 2022, the Cambridge Lions Clubs invites all to take Strides for Diabetes Awareness. The event will begin at 8:30am and will meet on the front lawn of the United Presbyterian Church. Donuts, coffee, and water will be available for walkers. We will begin our walk at the Cambridge gazebo and walk on Main St. going right towards the traffic light, then north on Park Street, then west onto Spring Street, turning left onto Union Street and continuing South to Academy, follow Academy north back to Main Street, and right on Main back to the Cambridge gazebo.
Walk will begin at 9am and we expect to complete the walk by 10am. If you are interested in walking or becoming a team member to raise funds for the American Diabetes Association, please contact Lion Linda Salzer via email at LindaSalzer7@gmail.com.
Lions Clubs International established the diabetes Awareness Program in 1984 to assist. Lions in conducting and supporting local and large-scale efforts leading to control and research. The Strides Walk Program was initiated in 2006 to provide Lions with a club, district, or multiple district activity to further promote diabetes awareness and generate public participation.
According to the World Health Organization, about 422 million people worldwide have diabetes, more than 30+ million reside in the United States, but the majority live in low and middle income countries, and 1.6 million deaths are directly attributed to diabetes each year. Both the numbers of cases and the prevalence of diabetes have been steadily increasing over the past few decades.
The Cambridge Lions Club is supporting the American Diabetes Association because we want to make a difference. We are teaming up now to change the future and make a positive impact in the lives of those who are affected by diabetes. We are committed to participate together and raise money through this inspirational event not just because over 30 million people in the United States have diabetes, but because so many of us personally know some of them and want to do something about it.
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