Astronomy Notes – Observing Night, Oct. 22

Past event
Oct 22, 2022

The Lamoille County Star Gazers are pleased to announce a public observing night at the Grout Observatory at Peoples Academy in Morrisville. We'll look at wonders inside and outside the solar system.

Inside the solar system, we'll look at Jupiter, Saturn, and possibly Mars. (You may have seen Jupiter at an earlier observing session but the positions of the moons and the patterns of clouds change from one session to the next.) Outside the solar system, we'll look at a globular star cluster called M13 (several hundred thousand stars packed into a ball about 145 light years in diameter), a pretty double star called Albireo, and possibly others. We'll use the telescope in the observatory, plus other telescopes.

The session will take place on Saturday, October 22nd, weather permitting. We'll start observing at 7:30 PM and continue until about 9. To check on the status of the session, see Front Porch Forum, listen for announcements on WLVB radio, or email

• The observatory is on the small knoll on the right as you drive up Copley Avenue and enter the circle in front of the main building.
• Park in the student parking lot by the bandshell.
• NOTE that there will be a Halloween event going on at the school at the same time so parking may be a little tight.
• Watch your step on the path leading up to the observatory.
• Bring a flashlight but try not to turn it on. The more dark-adapted your eyes are, the better.
• Dress appropriately. It will be chilly out there.

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