Ba Duan Jin
"The 8 Silk Brocades" Qigong Practice
Thursdays 5:30 - 6:15AM
Sundara Studio
52 Portland St. Morrisville, VT 05661
The Eight Silk Brocades:
Two Hands Hold Up The Heavens
Separate the Heavens and the Earth
Draw the Bow
The Wise Ol' Owl
Shake the Tail
Hands Hold the Feet for the Kidneys
Punches (Warrior in a Garden)
Sift the Flour
Each practice session ends with a Koan and 10 minute meditation.
Qigong is an ancient medicinal exercise system first recorded at least 7,000 years ago
as an image of 巫覡 on a clay pot, but the sequence may have predated pottery, art, or
Health Benefit Links:
: -Prevention of bone loss
-Significant improvements in depression, QOL, and four QOL dimension
Scores physical well-being, social well-being, functional well-being.
-Helpful for fatigue, improving quality of life, and sleep quality
-These are the first 3 articles of 75 at
- I know first hand that Qigong can help for Pain Management
Joe Speers
I began studying Zen as a kid. I studied Zen Archery near Wawa, PA in college. As
an adult I incorporated Zen Koans into my music and artistic practices.
A few years ago I was very sick from complications related to shingles. I tried
every color pill, painful and shocking external treatments, and even invasive
surgery with no relief.
These 8 "Medicinal Qigong" exercises saved me, and helped create a much more
holistically healthy person than I was before my illness. I want to keep practicing
"The 8 Silk Brocades" and share this knowledge about wellness with more
...and if you love Wutang, these are the first 8 exercises they do for warm ups at
the Shaolin Temple near Mt. Song. "Teaching" this knowledge outside of the
Temple would be "Entering the 36th Chamber." which is why I am "facilitating"
and practicing with you, and would not presume to be a teacher or instructor of
this practice.