Union Elementary School Caregivers Alliance Meeting

Past event
Nov 17, 2022, 12 to 8 PM

Calling all UES Caregivers! Dont miss the upcoming Union Elementary School Caregiver Alliance (UESCA) meeting: Thursday Oct 20th, 7pm. The meeting will be IN PERSON at UES (come to the front door) - CHILDCARE AVAILABLE!! or VIRTUALLY .
We will also be stuffing supplies in emergency backpacks for classrooms during the meeting... been hoping to get more involved in your learner's school? This is your opportunity! Come for as little or as long as you can.
Questions: ues.families@gmail.com

We meet every third Thursday of the month. These meetings allow us to plan activities and events throughout the year. Can't make it? No problem! You can follow along with our meeting notes and be a part of our Slack channel.

The UESCA is a collective of caregivers who support a welcoming, inclusive UES community. We provide support for all caregivers, educators, staff, and family-centered school activities.

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Union Elementary School

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