Rick DeAngelis on Homelessness is Everyone's Problem

Past event
Oct 19, 2022, 1:30 to 3 PM

The fall session of the Central Vermont Osher Life-long Learning Institute (OLLI) continues on Wednesday, October 19 at 1:30 pm at the Montpelier Senior Activities Center. Rick DeAngelis, co-executive director of the Good Samaritan Haven will discuss Homelessness is Everyone's Problem.

DeAngelis will help us consider the roots of homelessness in our country and how it impacts those who are homeless and our entire rural Vermont community. Current and historical efforts to address homelessness will be reviewed with special emphasis on Vermont during the COVID pandemic.

Finally, we will discuss the challenge facing each one of us "to welcome the stranger."

DeAngelis's presentation is the fourth of the fall term which consists of eight weekly presentations on current topics followed by a 3-film series with Rick Winston. Information on the whole series is available on the Central Vermont OLLI website: https://learn.uvm.edu/olli/centralvt

You may register for the remaining eight weekly presentations―five talks plus three films―for $40 ($70 for two) or for individual sessions at $8 apiece. Registration should be done online ahead of time or by mail to UVM OLLI. Or if you decide to drop in at the last moment, you may send a check or pay online after the fact. All the details are at https://learn.uvm.edu/olli/centralvt

Please join these engaging and knowledgeable community members/presenters on Wednesdays at 1:30 pm at the Montpelier Senior Activities Center 58 Barre Street.

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Montpelier Senior Activity Center, Barre Street, Montpelier, VT, USA

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