Pine Street Barge Canal Events, Burlington

Past event
Oct 16, 2022

There are several upcoming events relating to the Pine Street Barge Canal, a wetlands/forest wild area at the South End of Burlington.

1. Sunday, October 16, 10 AM-1 PM, The Cleanup Continues.

Following up on several days (in May, June and last week's "Reverse Taschlich") of cleaning up trash from decades of encampments and dumping, we will work together one last time this year. Meet at the entrance to the Barge Canal across from Look for the red umbrella. Wear sturdy shoes, socks and long pants. Bring work gloves (if you have them) and the water & snacks you will need. Rain or shine. Come for an hour or stay the whole time.

2. Monday, October 17, 6-7:30 PM, DPW Conference Room, 645 Pine St,Public Hearing on Food Court

This is a Public Hearing conducted by VT Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) on the proposed Corrective Action Plan (CAP) for the small parcel of land known as 501 Pine Street Gatehouse. There is a drive-up food court business ( proposed for the site. Because it's in the Barge Canal Superfund site, DEC has to approve the CAP. The city has already approved this proposal, pending DEC and EPA approval. This should be a fairly technical hearing but an important one. We are still waiting to hear whether there will be a Zoom sign-in option. We will post again to FPF when we find out.

3. Sunday, October 23, 3-5 PM, Community Science Species Inventory.

Since May and continuing through November, Jess Rubin has been leading community groups in identifying the plant, animal and fungal species that live at the Barge Canal. So far, we've posted 142 species to iNaturalist ( with many more to go. It's an exciting opportunity to learn and to document the life at this wild, much-neglected site. Meet at the gate across from Rain or shine. Dress for tromping around in the woods and fields.

Questions about any of this? Please contact Friends of the Barge Canal at

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