Selectboard Agenda - Oct. 18

Past event
Oct 18, 2022, 7 to 9 PM

Tuesday, October 18, 2022 Remote Selectboard Meeting Agenda - 7:00 pm

7:00 pm - Call to Order & Public Comment
7:10 pm – Highway: ½ day planning session; plan for updating inventories; staffing; projects and other updates
7:45 pm – Planning Commission: Follow up on Land Use Regulations public meeting; priority setting for coming year
8:00 pm – Administration & Finance
**First Quarter FY 22-23 Budget review
**VT Emergency Management Dept. of Public Safety Grant: opportunity for cooling center
**FY 23-23 Budget & Capital Plan: Health, Education & Welfare allocation requests; Capital Requests (initial review)
**Committees, Correspondence & Communications
**Warrants & Minutes (10/04/2022)
**Selectboard Meeting Schedule (including Library memorandum of understanding (MOU))
**Administrative & Selectboard Member Updates & Other New Business
9:00 pm - Adjourn

**This is a fully remote meeting, in accordance with Act 78. If you require a physical location because you can't access the meeting by computer or telephone, call 802-424-4779.
**For the computer access, go to
Or visit the Town website
**For toll-free telephone access, call: 888-788-0099 ID:931 1259 8936 Passcode: 4344779
**If you have questions about how to access the meeting or are having trouble connecting when the meeting starts, call 802-434-4779.

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