5:00 PM
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Middlesex Town Hall and via Zoom*
5 Church Street
Middlesex, Vermont 05602
(802) 223-5915
5:00 PM Call to order, amendments, welcoming guests
5:05 Executive Session: regarding confidential attorney-client communications made for the purpose of providing professional legal services to the Select Board as permitted under 1 V.S.A. § 313(a)(1) (F). Action afterward unlikely.
5:25 Considering a request by the Listers to change the acreage of Mary Jo Davis's parcel on 891 US Route 2 from .2 to .43 acres on the 2022 Town Grand List as permitted under 32 V.S.A. §4261. Action likely.
5:30 FY24 Budget Workshop: considering the Listers' budget request for the following fiscal year. No action.
5:45 Highway Department Update: Updates on road maintenance. Action possible.
6:00 **Break for Board of Civil Authority Meeting**
6:15 Select Board meeting resumes with quarterly meeting with the Middlesex Planning Commission. Action possible.
6:30 Treasurer's Report: Updates on Town finances. Action possible
- Approving the minutes of the October 4, 2022, Select Board Meeting. Action likely.
- Approving an agreement with FEMA to extend the performance period for the Rich Road buyout until October 31, 2023. Action likely
- Orders
- Correspondence
- Any other matter that may come before the Board.
7:15 Adjournment.
To attend this meeting via Zoom, go to:
Meeting ID: 739 338 0675
One tap mobile OR 1-301-715-8592
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