The John G. McCullough Free Library and the Vermont Humanities Council proudly present Diving Deeper: Enhancing Your Writing Skills, a free writing workshop series.
Tuesdays, October 11th, 18th, and 25th 6:00 PM- 7:00 PM at The Left Bank (5 Bank Street, North Bennington).
All are welcome and reservations aren't needed. The Left Bank is handicap accessible.
Participants should bring paper and something to write with or a laptop.
Each workshop in this series is designed to enhance your writing, whether you are writing memoir or fiction. (The first workshop is suited for poets, too.) There are three different workshops; you can take them all or just choose one.
Workshop #1: (Oct. 11th) Seeing Like A Writer.
Workshop #2: (Oct. 18th) Plot, Situation, and Story.
Workshop #3: (Oct. 25th) Image-Based Writing and Revision.