October is Fire Safety Month. Each Tuesday in October, the members of the Middletown Springs Volunteer Fire Department will be on hand to answer questions and offer information. Each Tuesday will be a different fire safety theme. This past Tuesday, October 4th, MSVFD answered questions and concerns regarding fire extinguishers. Community members were able to sign up to purchase new extinguishers or have existing extinguishers inspected and tested. MSVFD would like to thank everyone for coming out.
This coming Tuesday, October 11th, MSVFD will be on hand to answer questions and concerns on solar energy. If you have solar panels on your property, please stop by the firehouse on 10/11 at 6:30pm to let us know. It is important for MSVFD to know where your solar panels are located, how many you have, where the batteries are located, and where the emergency shut off is located. Did you know that even when the power is shut off, your solar panels could still be energized? Do you know where your emergency shut off is located? Do you have more than one location for your solar panels? Are your solar panels on your roof? Did you know a fire scene is treated differently when solar panels are involved? Solar energy is a great source of energy, as long as it is properly installed, and you are familiar with your system. Please come out and have a conversation regarding your solar energy. MSVFD will be happy to help in any way.
MSVFD will welcome all community members that may have missed information on fire extinguishers as well. Stop by the firehouse at 6:30pm on Tuesday October 11th.
Thank you for your continued support!
Feb 10, 2025, 6 PM
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