Preview of June 23 City Council Meeting

Past event
Jun 23, 2014, 7 to 10:30 PM

Dear Neighbors,

On Monday, the City Council will convene its second of two regular meetings for the month of June.

We will begin our evening with an executive session with an update on a downtown real estate transaction and then move to a update on the Champlain College/Eagle's/Brown's Court project.

Following a very brief Local Control Commission meeting, we will convene our Council meeting in Contois Auditorium in City Hall at 7:15pm.

We will begin our meeting with a presentation from Burlington Electric Department on their Street Lighting Policy.

First on our Deliberative Agenda will be a communication from the Mayor on the FY15 Mayoral Appointments. These appointments include all Department Heads (with the exception of the Director of Planning and Zoning who is appointed by the Planning Commission) as well as several others including the Assistant City Attorneys.

We will then be voting to approve for a first reading and referring to the Ordinance Committee an ordinance on prohibiting smoking in outdoor places on the Church Street Marketplace. This ordinance holds a special affinity to me because I first introduced this by resolution and a re-write of the ordinance in 2009. For several reasons, the ordinance did not move forward. The Council tried again to move this forward in 2011 to no avail. Sometimes it takes a few tries to make for a successful process. It seems that the third try will be the charm. We have support from the Marketplace Commission, the vast majority of merchants, the Police and other interested parties. Smoking would be prohibited from 9am to 9pm.

We will also be voting to approve for a first reading and referring to the Ordinance Committee some changes to the Housing section of our Ordinances regarding security deposits and the Housing Board of Review.

We will then hear a communication from the Mayor regarding the City of Burlington Diversity and Equity Strategic Plan.

We will be voting on a resolution on the approval of a designated Accountability Monitor contract. This Accountability Monitor is part of the changes that we made to the Livable Wage Ordinance last year.

We will then have council committee reports, comments from councilors and the Mayor.

Please keep in mind that you are welcome to come to a council meeting and speak to the Council on any subject you wish during our Public Forum which begins at 7:30pm.

Clickable agenda items can be found on the City's website:

Please keep in mind that at all Council meetings are televised live on Channel 317 on Burlington Telecom.

As always, I welcome your questions and concerns. Please email or give me a call over the weekend or on Monday. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

All my best,

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