Woodbury Community Library Trustees Meeting Oct. 17

Past event
Oct 17, 2022, 6 to 8 PM

Woodbury Community Library
Trustees Special Meeting Agenda
Monday, October 17, 2022, 6:00 PM — 8:00 PM

This Special Meeting will be held in lieu of the October Regular Meeting which will not be held on October 10 because the date coincides with Indigenous Peoples' Day. This special meeting will be held at the Woodbury Community Library. According to the Library's current COVID-19 policy, masks are optional. Alternatively, the public may attend by computer or telephone. If using a computer, enter the following Zoom Meeting ID: 504 444 8057, and Passcode: Family. If using a telephone, dial 1 3017158592 US (Washington, DC), then as prompted, enter Meeting ID: 504 444 8057, followed by the # sign. Public access to the meeting will begin at 5:55 PM in order to resolve potential technical difficulties, and to ensure connectivity before the meeting begins at 6:00PM. To use Zoom use this link https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5044448057?pwd=K1h2bzFDSXRaVkZqbVF2U3pBY1pYZz09 or visit website https://zoom.us to 'Sign Up Free', then 'Join A Meeting'. If you experience technical difficulties, contact Trustee Sara VanHof at svanhof23@gmail.com.

6:00 PM Begin
• Additions/Changes to the agenda
• Public Comment
• Approval of Minutes from meetings held in September 2022

6:15 PM Librarian's Report
• Review of September Report
• Summer Program Grant Update

6:45 PM New Business and Updates
• Review COVID-19 Policy
• Finalize Coverage for Myrna's upcoming Vacation
• ARPA Grant Updates – Second Grant
• Consider Changing the time of the Trustees' regular meeting
• Representation at the Joint School District-WCL Team Meetings
• Website Updates
• Discussion – Library History / Library Law
• Policy Discussion – Contingency Planning (time permitting).

7:40 PM Finances
• Treasurer's Report
• Budget Planning
• Additional Fund-Raising Activities

7:55 PM Wrap-up
• Confirm time and date for November meeting.

8:00 PM Adjourn

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Event Info

Woodbury Community Library, Valley Lake Road, Woodbury, VT, USA

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