It's that time of year to consider a donation to the Penny Fair. Your gift to us for the Penny Fair can be for a child, an adult or even the family fur baby. The gift can range in value from $5.00 to very valuable. This is a good time to find an item on sale at stores or a new item at a yard sale. Maybe you have a gift you received or purchased and never used.
If you have gone to the Penny Fair, you know we welcome anything from a kitchen sink to jewelry to dolls, art work and so much more.
You can drop off your donation to the St. Peter's Rectory (Hours-Mon & Wed 8:00-4:30, Tues 1:00-4:30) or contact Jeanne Senesac 802-877-3449, Missy Campono, or Eileen Leach ( and we can help figure out another time.
** A money donation is welcome if you'd like us to do the shopping!
We will be accepting donations right up until Friday November 4.
The Penny Fair will be held on Saturday November 5th.