Greenhouse Plant Sale

Past event
Jun 21, 2014, 9 AM to 5 PM

The weather is beautiful and it is a great time to be in the garden!

Thanks to our friends and loyal customers, it has been a great season for this greenhouse, operated by family and friends. Graduation is over and it's time to focus on the garden, so Pleasant Mount Farm greenhouse in Huntington Center is having a sale on June 21 and 22, 9 am to 5 pm.

Although, we have had a variety of "surprise sale" prices already at the greenhouse (New Guinea impatiens have been $2 per pot; oregano pots are $1.50, onion packs ad cosmos packs are $1), we are trying to get all our beautiful plants into new homes, so they can thrive and produce for the summer.

We have lots of accent plants priced to sell at $1 to $3.50.

Tomatoes $1 for single pots; $2 per pack

Some annual packs are priced 3 for $5; most are $2 per pack.

Pansies are $1 per pack - they need some TLC.

Hanging baskets: $10 off

You get the picture. You can also check out the website on Saturday morning for a more complete list of the deals:

If you can't make the sale, we will have plants through July 4 and then, who knows!

Hope to see you this weekend. Bring a box or your own tray to take away these great plants!

P.S. 10% of the receipts on these sale days will be donated to Camp Exclamation Point, a nonprofit residential camp for underserved rural kids, ages 8-14.(headquartered in Richmond, Vermont, and having many local people on its volunteer staff). Check it our at:

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