Update on Camp Kiniya Rd Development

Past event
Oct 12, 2022, 7 PM

Hi Neighbors,

The Camp Kiniya Rd developers are presenting their revised sketch plan application at the Development Review Board Meeting on October 12, 2022 at 7:00 P.M. at the Colchester Town Offices – 3rd Floor – 781 Blakely Rd .

For those new to the conversation, some developers are seeking to convert land on Camp Kiniya Rd into an 11 lot development. For the last Development Review Meeting we were able to organize and make a great showing against the development. At the end of that meeting a member of the DRB thanked us for coming out and using our right to be involved, stand up for ourselves and our community and encouraged us to not forget to come again.

General consensus amongst neighbors has been that we do not want the neighborhood to be developed heavily and enjoy the less dense nature of this community. We need to speak up if we want to continue to have opposition to denser development here. I would also like to note that they have addressed some of our concerns in their new development plan, but not many. Specifically I did not see any notes about added traffic, the wetness of the site, or the inconsistency of water for wells. I also believe that their site plans are still inaccurately reflecting the location of our rare natural communities.

For those with an opinion about the Camp Kiniya development, please submit a public comment to Zachary Maia the Colchester Development Planner: ZMaia@colchestervt.gov. I would strongly recommend sending your emails closer to the meeting date & time to give the developers less time to form rebuttals. Also please attend the meeting in person, Zachary will pass comments along to the Board for consideration regarding the development application.

Meeting Invitation:
If you would like to be a part of the conversation amongst the neighbors, we will will likely be getting back together to discuss. Please reach out if you would like to join the conversation.

You can see the development documents at the below link under Development Review Board/DRB Agendas/October 12, 2022 - DRB/4.Hearing of Appeals and Development Applications/f) SK-23-09 RIVERSIDE BLUFFS, LLC:

And their application PDF: https://clerkshq.com/Content/Attachments/Colchester-vt/221012dr_04f.pdf?clientSite=Colchester-vt

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