Notice is hereby given to the residents of the Town of Lyndon that the Lyndon Selectboard will hold a public hearing in the Municipal Building Conference Room located at 119 Park Avenue and also via Zoom on Wednesday, October 5th, 2022, at 5:30 pm. This hearing will be held for public review and comment on the proposed revisions to Lyndon's Zoning Bylaws pursuant to Title 24 VSA, Chapter 117, the statute that regulates planning and zoning. If and when it is adopted, the proposed Bylaws will affect all lands within the Town of Lyndon.
The proposed amendment includes:
Signage: means any device including graphic, alphabetic, or pictorial presentation used to convey commercial messages seen from the public thoroughfare or right-of-way. This definition specifically excludes merchandise normally displayed in a storefront window, public art and murals, or flags.
(2) Proposed zoning map amendment: Parcels 09-028 and 09-027 South to change from Industrial District to Commercial District Please see proposed map amendment on the website:
(3) ARTICLE VI: OFF STREET PARKING REGULATIONS: Addition to 6.2 All Other Districts:
Accessory Dwelling Units (1 bedroom or less): 1 per unit
Accessory Dwelling Units (2 bedrooms or more): 2 per unit
The proposed amendments and definition are consistent with the goals and policies of the 2020 Lyndon Municipal Plan.
Copies of the proposed revisions to Lyndon's Zoning By-laws are currently available (September 15th, 2022) at the Lyndon Town Clerk's office, as well as online at Changes can be found by clinking on the "Quick Links" tab, then click on the "Zoning By-laws & Ordinances", and lastly scroll to the tabs for "Proposed Zoning Map Amendment" and "Proposed Parking Requirement Amendment-ADUs".
Please use the following Zoom log-in information:
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