Unitarian Universalist Church Open Our Doors June 22

Past event
Jun 22, 2014

At the Washington Unitarian Universalist Church Summer, 2014
Route 110, Washington, Vermont www.washingtonvtuu.org

Worship Service Sundays at 10 AM, followed by a potluck lunch.
All welcome. Childcare provided.

Adult Religious Education Post Potluck Small Group on most Sundays.

Films, Singalongs, Volunteer Opportunities, Adult Religious Education, & Potlucks throughout the week.

Sunday Morning Worship Services 10 AM

June 22 “The Transforming Power of Love: Living Universalism Today” with Rev. Dr. M’ellen Kennedy. We are in the midst of a Universalist Awakening! The sweet, loving message of our heritage is the balm for the agonies of our era. How are You living this sweet message of Love? How are You called to live it? With accompanist, Helen Wilson! Annual Meeting after the service to be followed by a potluck picnic.

June 29 “Addiction: What Is Not an Addiction?” with Rev. Gregory Wilson. Addiction is a profound spiritual issue. There is a complex relationship between addictions and the economic system, and the way the economic system demands adherence to its process. As a result of this, we humans respond by developing a myth that supports and normalizes addiction! Given this, do we even know what non addiction is? This exploration will both challenge You and open your eyes to a larger view to this immense social and spiritual issue. With accompanist, Helen Wilson.

July 6 “Cultivating Happiness” with Ginny Sassaman. The focus of the service will be the critical need to build our personal resilience, compassion and happiness, to do our best to make the world a little better for all. Ginny gave a key note address at the National Happiness Conference held recently in Burlington. This sermon is a continuation of the
significant work Ginny is doing nationally with the Happiness Movement. Music will be provided by the Montpelier Ukulele Players. Accompanist, Joan Stepanskie.

July 13 “New Church for a New Era” with Rev. Dr. M’ellen Kennedy. The spiritual longing which we each experience is a timeless part of our heritage as human beings. The form which this longing takes on, changes from era to era. It is clear that the old forms are in need of renewal and indeed, many new, exciting forms are emerging. In the New Testament, Jesus says, “No one pours new wine into an old wineskin.” What are your inspirations and dreams for creating vibrant community? Let’s explore how we can fulfill our spiritual longing, taking the best of what tradition has to offer and being open to fresh perspectives and renewal. Accompanist to be announced. The Post Potluck Small Group today will be offered by Rev. M’ellen and Sue Stukey, will be a continuation of this topic.

July 20 “Eastern Practices for Well-Being” with Rev. Dr. M’ellen Kennedy. As we find our way into new ways of creating spiritual communities, bridging Eastern and Western traditions offers a rich opportunity. This week we’ll turn to the East for inspiration on practices for living well on the earth as spiritual beings. Rev. M’ellen will share with us Sufi, Buddhist, and Hindu practices. Next week, we’ll turn toward our own Western Christian tradition for inspiration. Join us for both services Accompanist to be announced. The Post Potluck Small Group will be on this topic and will be facilitated by Rev. Laelia Tawnamaia by Skype.

Letter from Our Minister, Rev. M’ellen Kennedy

Dear Neighbors and Members of the Washington Unitarian Universalist Church,
We open our doors this Sunday for the summer season. We meet from late June until Labor Day (since we have no heat in the building). We’re a liberal religious community and embrace the teachings of the worlds’ religions. We strive to create, loving, meaningful community, transforming and healing our broken world. We hope You’ll join us.

I love the Washington church! It’s with enthusiasm that I return to what is my seventh (or is it eighth?) summer. And we have a great summer in store with wonderful worship services, guests in the pulpit, guest musicians, potlucks, small group discussions, volunteer opportunities, films, sings-alongs, and book discussions. See our web site www.washingtonvtuu.org, for details and more info. I hope to see You at many of these activities. I’m especially pleased that we’re participating in the new Summer Food Program and enrich programs being offered to Washington children by the Village School and Calef Library.

This summer, I invite You to re-imagine church with me – grounded in the transforming power of Love, rooted in the wisdom of the world’s religions and in the Universalist and Unitarian tradition, and relevant to who we are and what we long to create today in terms of spiritual community. See You at church!

In Service and Love,
Rev. M’ellen Kennedy

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