Green Drinks - Stay Warm with Window Dressers

Past event
Oct 20, 2022, 5:30 to 6:30 PM

Location: virtual
Register at:

This October 27th to November 2nd, Sustainable Woodstock will spend a week building inserts for 20 income-sensitive folks in our area as part of a Window Dressers build. Window Dressers (WD) is a nonprofit that brings volunteers together to build insulating window inserts. In the past few years WD builds have been popping up all around the Upper Valley and beyond. Have you been curious about the inserts, or the process of making them? Wondering what is so special about this volunteer-run effort, and why it's spreading across Vermont? Are you interested in volunteering at the build, or in having window inserts made for your home? Or, maybe you're curious about why window insulation is important to begin with? Join Jessica Williams, Executive Director of Window Dressers, and Sustainable Woodstock's Program Director Jenevra Wetmore to have any and all questions answered!

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