Beauty and the Beast Presented by the Backpack Theater

Past event
Jun 26, 2014, 3 PM

Thursday June 26
3 PM
Cornerstone Community Center
1 Main Street

sponsored by the Arvin A. Brown Library

Come and join us for this wonderful performance of "Beauty and the Beast", presented by Backpack Theater. The performance will be approximately one hour long and is FREE. Backpack has been performing for over 10 years under the creative eyes of Rina Choiniere and Ernie Hemingway. Children from all over Franklin County come together to learn and rehearse an original play. They also help create their own costumes, props and backdrops. They have had many talented performers in their ranks and this year is no exception!

Beauty and the Beast

Charles Poisson must sell all of his belongings and move his family from the city to the country. One night Charles becomes lost and finds himself at a beautiful castle. Charles faces the wrath of the owner of the castle, a beast. The beast demands that either Charles or one of his daughters will have to live with him forever. His daughter, Beauty volunteers to go and live with the beast.

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