Special Gamelan Concert in Our “Home”

Past event
Oct 2, 2022, 7:30 to 8:30 PM

Plainfield's own Gamelan Sulukala will be performing a free concert on Sunday, October 2 at 7:30 pm in the Pratt Center Library on Goddard College's campus.

At the end of June we played outside at the Plainfield Rec Field. It was incredibly hot (in the 90's) and we melted. Our brains fried and fingers burned on the metal bars! So, we decided to do it again! This time not only indoors in a space with good acoustics but also in our "home" where we rehearse.

Javanese Gamelan is a group - or orchestra - of about 30 instruments ranging from huge gongs to tiny flutes with lots of xylophone and kettle type instruments in between. Our Gamelan Sulukala is a full court-style complement of instruments made in Java and fashioned from bronze and iron. It sounds incredible in the "Well" of the library!

Visit Gamelan Sulukala's (https://sites.google.com/site/gamelansulukala/home) for more info.

Although the concert is free space is limited so please email, text or call to reserve seats. slight@fyreandlightning.org, 802 498-3173.

Masks are recommended but not required.

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Goddard College, Pratt Center

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