Hi all,
Happy autumn! I'm reaching out to share a public event I'm leading this Saturday in Milton -- my first at the Milton Town Forest -- as well as my article for this month.
The event at the Milton Town Forest this Saturday will be in partnership with Audubon Vermont, focusing on how the MTF's new Forest Management Plan will use forest management to enrich bird habitat. See details, below!
My column for this month is about managing forests for adaptability. Read it here: https://mcusercontent.com/58398f7a782118e355bf99377/files/8f50378e-9910-a711-9be1-a4cdd507e4[...]pdf
Forestry for the Birds at the Milton Town Forest
Saturday, October 1, 10:00AM-12:00PM
The Milton Town Forest has a new Forest Management Plan! This plan, written by Ethan Tapper, the Chittenden County Forester, focuses on managing the MTF for wildlife habitat, forest health, climate resilience, biodiversity, recreation, demonstration and education. The plan also has a special focus on managing the MTF for high-quality bird habitat.
Join the Chittenden County Forester and Audubon Vermont for a free, public walk of the MTF. We will discuss the new Forest Management plan and how the MTF will be managed for great bird habitat over the next 10 years.
To join, meet at the Milton Town Forest parking lot at 599 Westford Road, Milton. Wear appropriate clothing and footwear to be outside for two hours, rain or shine, with some walking over uneven terrain. For questions about the event, email ethan.tapper@vermont.gov.
Check out my YouTube channel, sign up for my email list, read my article archive, stay posted about my various projects and see other links and resources at my LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/ChittendenCountyForester
My Forest Management Plan for the Milton Town Forest was adopted by the Milton Select Board! To learn more, check out
a story map about the project (https://arcg.is/1L1WSD) or watch videos on the Milton Town Forest playlist on my YouTube channel, here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWk3DKdWmNIZnThE5C9zJmk1No2cl1Gkl
I was honored to be a recent guest on Across the Fence, a program co-produced by WCAX and UVM extension. You can watch a recording of my appearance here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLm8OAZ3-Uo
Hear Ethan on the Restoration Roundup Podcast!
I was pleased to join my friend Katie Kain (US Fish and Wildlife Service) on the Restoration Roundup podcast to talk about invasive plants and riparian restoration. You can listen to the podcast here: https://www.uvm.edu/seagrant/watershed-forestry-partnership/restoration-roundup-podcast/alie[...]rol
Read About Ethan in Inside the Forest Service!
I was recently featured in the US Forest Service's Inside the Forest Service blog. You can read the article here: https://www.fs.usda.gov/inside-fs/recognition/vermont-forester-self-taught-communications-whiz
Subscribe to my YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG5pCDPHUyOiA2vW1l7L6oA
Ethan Tapper
Chittenden County Forester
Sign up for my email list at https://vermont.us7.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=58398f7a782118e355bf99377&id=58d2751d34
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