The Tin Woman
Play written by Sean Grennan
Directed by Benjamin Tabah
Reeling in the wake of an unexpected heart transplant, Joy finds herself drawn to contact the donor's family. A tempestuous meeting ensues resulting in a roller coaster of tears, laughter, and healing. An intimate and poignant play that explores the power of human connection.
Haskell Opera House
October 21-30, 2022
Fridays & Saturdays @7pm
Sunday matinees @3pm
Tickets now available:
MAC Center for the Arts in Newport
Haskell Library in Derby Line
Colby-Curtis Museum in Stanstead
Online ticketing through: Catamount Arts.
Show details, ticket link and info:
Note: To protect the safety of our patrons, cast and crew- masks will be required for this production.
Production underwritten by North Country Hospital.
The Tin Woman is presented by special arrangement with PLAYSCRIPTS, INC. (