We are honored to have Superintendent Tom Flanagan to present at our NPA meeting to present the proposal for a new high school/tech center building that will be on the November 8 election ballot.
Please join us in person in the Pickering Room at Fletcher Library or on Zoom to be informed on the school bond proposal.
This is an opportunity to meet fellow Ward 8 residents, ask questions or voice your ideas.
Hope to see you,
Keith Pillsbury
Ward NPA Steering Committee
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Ward 8 Neighborhood Planning Assembly (NPA)
Thursday, September 29, 2022
In-person at the Pickering Room, Fletcher Free Library
And Zoom online
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Webinar ID: 840 3612 3619
Or Telephone: Dial:US: +1 929 205 6099 Webinar ID: 840 3612 3619
YouTube Livestream: NPA Wards 1&8 Playlist, click on upcoming/next meeting:
Note: This is for live streaming purposes only. Ward residents should intend to participate via Zoom or in-person if they wish to speak or vote.
Facilitator: Keith Pillsbury
Host: Sam Heinrichs,
7.00 Announcements & Introductions
7:05 Speak-out: Ward 8 residents will be given first opportunity to speak
7:00 Election of a Steering Committee member: Lauren Ebersol has been nominated
7:15 Presentation on the High School $165 million Bond by Burlington School Superintendent Tom Flanagan, School Board Chair Clare Wool and our School Commissioner Saja Amogalli.
7:45 Adjourn
Ward 8 NPA Steering Committee
Bill Church wrchurch@me.com
Keith Pillsbury kpillsbury7@gmail.com
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