Ward 8 NPA - Focus on $165 Milion High School Bond

Past event
Sep 29, 2022, 7 to 7:45 PM

Dear Neighbors:

Please join us for our second solo Ward 8 Neighborhood Planning Assembly, Thursday evening, Sept. 29, beginning at 7:00pm.

Our second meeting will focus on the $165 million school bond, for the new high school, which will be voted upon in November. We are expecting our Burlington School Superintendent, School Board Chair, and our School Commissioner to be present at the meeting.

The meeting will be another short one, as we continue to get used to the operational basics of running an NPA meeting. For many years, we've been part of the combined Wards 1 & 8 NPA, and now we're independent.

We hope you'll join us, and bring your questions and comments, as we create a space where Ward 8 neighbors can have a voice.

Ward 8 Neighborhood Planning Assembly (NPA)
Thursday, September 29, 2022

In-person at the Pickering Room, Fletcher Free Library

And Zoom online
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Ward residents should intend to participate via
Zoom or in-person if they wish to speak or vote.

Facilitator: Keith Pillsbury
Host: Sam Heinrichs

7.00 Announcements & Introductions

7:05 Speak-out: Ward 8 residents will be given first opportunity to speak

7:00 Election of a Steering Committee member: Lauren Ebersol has been nominated

7:15 Presentation on the High School Bond by Burlington School District administrators

7:45 Adjourn

Ward 8 NPA Steering Committee
Bill Church wrchurch@me.com
Keith Pillsbury kpillsbury7@gmail.com

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Event Info

In-person at the Pickering Room, Fletcher Free Library

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