Sept. 27 Planning Council Zoning Change Public Hearing

Past event
Sep 27, 2022, 5 to 6:30 PM


The public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday 27 September 2022 at 5:00 PM at Copley Country Club, 441 Copley Country Club Drive, in Morrisville.
The Morrisville/Morristown Planning Council hereby provides notice of a public hearing being held pursuant to 24 VSA, Chapter 117, §4302, §4410 & §4441 for the purpose of hearing public comments on proposed amendments to the Morrisville/Morristown Zoning & Subdivision Bylaws. These amendments are being adopted in accordance with 24 VSA, Chapter 117, §4302, §4410, §4411, §4412, §4413 & 4414.

Morrisville/Morristown Zoning and Subdivision Bylaws Table of Contents (abbreviated):
General Provisions / Zone Establishment & Regulation / Special Protection Areas / General & Special Regulations / Administration & Enforcement / Subdivision Application & Approval Procedure / Subdivision Requirements & Design Standards / Definitions / Zone Boundaries

Morrisville/Morristown Zoning & Subdivision Bylaws Statement of Purpose: To provide for orderly community growth, to provide for public health, safety, welfare, and to achieve the purposes set forth in the Vermont Development Act 24 VSA, Chapter 117, and the Town Plan.
The proposed amendments to the Zoning & Subdivision Bylaws are as follows:
a. §201 Add detail to and edit boundary line description language
b. §204.4 Clarify maximum waiver applicability language
c. §204.5a Revise "use matrix" to clarify Special Industry use & Site Plan Approval for large projects
d. §204.5b Edit dimensional table and notes for lower Brooklyn Street (west) zoning change
e. §206 Add exterior access, outside space, flat roof, & lighting requirements to Design Criteria
f. §207 Major additions to historic preservation criteria & protect many contributing historic buildings
g. §340 Add new steep slope protections and make other edits to local environmental resource areas
h. §402.1 Revise permit expiration language to give ZA discretion on renewals
i. §405 End harsher zoning treatment of corner lots, and clarify waiver allowance
j. §415 Remove measurement of yard area from 25% Home Business allowance
k. §422 Allow ZA to approve new lots accessed by 20' right-of-ways & minor edits to DRB approvals
l. §470 Edits to sign bylaw to account for content neutrality legal requirements, dark-sky lighting, etc.
m. §482 Modify new Conditional Use requirement for Class 4 roads to allow for in-fill development
n. §484 Edit special gas station rules to clarify front setback requirement
o. §485 Very minor edit changing "district" reference to more modern zone where allowed language
p. §488 Revise rules for RV/camper parking, their use as a Primitive Camp & use during construction
q. §490 Revise lighting rules to better comply with dark-sky initiatives
r. §500 Revise Site Plan Requirement for new compost rules & require multi-family cluster mailboxes
s. §503 Make very minor change to modernize condition of approval language
t. §510 Make various changes to conservation subdivision bylaw, delete density bonus, require lotting
u. §610 Minor language change to reflect joint appointment of Development Review Board
v. §612 Match State statute for public warning periods
w. §620 Correct zoning bylaw cite for severability
x. §710 Change minor subdivision definition so only 1 new lot can be created at a time (instead of 2)
y. §720-760 Make minor revisions and improvements to subdivision approval process
z. §810 Add Town Plan compliance subdivision standard
aa. §820.4 Offer more site specific diameter guidance for cul-de-sac sizing & give DRB flexibility
bb. §820.5 Codify existing process for the naming of new subdivision roads
cc. §900 Definitions: revise definition for Fence, Recreational Vehicle, Short-Term Housing, and Special Industry, Storage Trailer, / add Primitive Camp & delete Preliminary Plat definitions
dd. §1000 Zone boundary changes for Sewer Service Management Area, Central Business, Commercial, Industrial, High Density (Brooklyn St.), Medium Density, & Low Density Residential.

Location where full text may be examined: For copies of the full text, please contact Todd Thomas at 888-6373 ( or the Town Clerk's Office on Portland Street

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Copley Country Club, 441 Copley Country Club Road, Morrisville, VT, USA

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