Parking Advisory Committee Meeting

Past event
Sep 26, 2022, 6 to 8 PM

Town of Richmond
Parking Advisory Committee Meeting  
Monday, September 26, 2022, 6:00 PM
Virtual or by Phone - (No in-person unless requested)
Join Zoom Meeting 
Meeting ID: 825 5533 0715
Passcode: 568910
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,82555330715#,,,,*568910# US (Chicago)
+19292056099,,82555330715#,,,,*568910# US (New York)

6:00 PM    Welcome & Public Comment
•    Additional agenda items
Existing Parking Area Discussions
Volunteers Green
•    Potential Park and Ride – coordination with town.
•    Pros and Cons
Checkered House Bridge Status 
Bombardier Meadow
•    Update on meeting with RLT and neighbors
•    Existing conditions
•    Ordinance change - Who wants to lead this discussion?
•    Status of wetlands delineation
•    Coordination with Ravi – and discussion
Round Church
•    Recreation Parking signs
Dugway Road
•    Existing Parking Areas (Chuck, John and Kevin)
•    Discussions with residents
•    Total Survey Results
•    Summary report
•    Three alternatives 
Next steps:
•    Create a figure showing existing parking locations
•    Get a count of existing parking spaces
•    Develop signage for existing locations
•    Continue outreach to neighborhood
•    Town wide survey for parking on Dugway
•    Begin summarizing findings into document
Park Mobile Parking App discussion
PAC email address:
Approve Meeting Minutes – 9/12/22 
Meeting adjourned

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