Made in Hardwick: Four Short Films by Local Creators

Past event
Sep 28, 2022, 7:30 to 9 PM

In 2021, HCTV awarded grants to four local applicants who had a great idea for a creative short film. The results were poignant, original, and are specifically about or resonant with our community. Come celebrate these Hardwick Area creators at the premiere of their short films at the Hardwick Town House on September 28th at 7:30 PM! The run time is approximately 1 hour, followed by a brief Q&A with the filmmakers. Donations will go towards funding a new round of grants to keep our community's creativity flowing!

To read about the individual films, please visit this link:

Meredith Holch – Tell Me How It Was
Rip Keller – Let's Talk Music
Roy MacNeil – Under the Rail Trail
Elizabeth Rossano – Cooking Up Community: Connection, Discovery & Joy through Place-Based Education

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