Cricket Blue with Trio Arco will perform at the First Congregational Church of Essex Junction on Sunday, September 25 at 3pm. NPR Music calls Cricket Blue "master storytellers." They were voted "Best Folk Group" in Vermont's Seven Daysie Awards and they've played stages and folk festivals around the United States and Canada. Cricket Blue plays with string trio: John Dunlop, Laura Markowitz, and Sofia Hirsch (Vermont Symphony Orchestra and Eclectica String Quartet).
The performance is part of the Community Concerts at First music series celebrating artists from Vermont and New England. Suggested donation of $20 per adult (under 18 free). Concert proceeds support FCCEJ community outreach and Doctors without Borders Ukraine relief. Space is limited. Reservations can be made in advance or by donation at the door (cash, check or credit card).
Call 802-878-5745 or visit
Mar 7, 2025, 7:30 to 10 PM
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