Community Presentation at Vergennes Opera House

Past event
Sep 22, 2022, 7 to 9 PM

You are cordially invited to attend a presentation of the 2022 Vergennes Police Department Staffing and Workload Report, prepared by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP).

Presented by Jim Baker, IACP Consultant and Senior Advisor for the Vergennes report.*

DATE: Thursday, September 22, 2022. All are welcome to attend. Refreshments will be served.
TIME: 7:00 PM
LOCATION: In person at the Vergennes Opera House – 120 Main Street, 2nd Floor Or Via Zoom
Join by Computer:
Join by Phone: Dial: 1 (312) 626-6799
Meeting ID: 561 577 976
Meeting Password: 1234

* About the Presenter: James Baker is an experienced state and local law enforcement professional who spent almost 40 years in law enforcement. He retired as the colonel and director of the Vermont State Police before serving as the interim Chief of Police of Manchester, VT, Police Department, and the Chief of Police of the Rutland City, VT, Police Department. Mr. Baker now specializes in leadership development and coaching, criminal justice information sharing, police procedures and conduct, organizational management, interim leadership in criminal justice organizations, and building community resiliency and public safety capacity. Mr. Baker holds a B.S. in Criminal Justice Administration from Southern Vermont College and is a graduate of the F.B.I. National Academy 188th Session. He served in an advisory capacity on the study, providing expertise on policing in Vermont

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