Green Up Day Gala - Fundraiser

Past event
Nov 12, 2022, 5 to 9 PM

Hello Everyone!

You may all know of Green Up Day, where Vermonters get together on the first Saturday in May to help remove litter from our neighborhoods and roadway, but Green Up Vermont (GUV) is so much more. The mission is to promote the stewardship of our state's natural landscape and waterways, and the livability of our communities by involving people in Green Up Day while raising public awareness about the health, economic, and visual benefits of a litter-free environment year-round.

This year, GUV is holding it's first ever GALA on Saturday, November 12 from 5:00 to 9:00 pm at Alfie's Wild Ride Bar (942 Mountain Road, Stowe, VT). The goals are to reach out to more Vermont residents who are committed to the success of Green Up Day and Green Up Vermont efforts, and to raise $1.5 Million for the Endowment fund. The interest from the endowment would be used to fund the operating costs of Green Up Vermont in perpetuity. At the event, there will be an introduction to the Board and short informational program about the endowment. Guest speakers will include Tom Szaky, global innovator of recycled materials and the CEO/Founder of TerraCycle. There will be a silent auction leading up to when the band, Red Hot Juba, kicks off the remainder of the night. If you are interested, ticket can be found at:

If you would still like to donate, but cannot attend, please visit:

If you have other questions, please feel free to visit or you can contact me directly at

Thank you,

Lucas Herring

P.S. Mark your calendars for May 6th, 2023 for the next Green Up Day!

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