Public Hearing: Ordinance Re: Bristol Traffic & Speeds

Past event
Sep 14, 2022, 7 to 8 PM

for the
Adoption of an Ordinance to Regulate Traffic and Vehicular Speeds with the Town of Bristol
September 14, 2022, ~7:00pm

The Town of Bristol Selectboard will host a public hearing to receive comments from citizens regarding the proposed adoption of new ordinance that will:
• Rescind the Special Regulations as to Speed Limits in the Village of Bristol, adopted in 1957;
• Enact provisions to reduce the vehicular speed limit in the village (current Police District) from 30 miles per hour (MPH) to 25 MPH;
• Consolidate and rescind the Bristol Town Speed Limits Ordinance (1977), Ordinance Regulating Local Enforcement of Speed Limit on State Highway (2014), and the Ordinance Regulating Speed in School Zone Hardscrabble Road. (2015); and
• Incorporate by reference other intact ordinances pertaining to parking, crosswalks, and other traffic-related matters.

The full text of the ordinance is available at, the Town Office, Lawrence Library, Holley Hall, and Bristol Beverage. An ordinance or rule adopted by a municipality may be disapproved by a vote of a majority of the qualified voters of the municipality voting on the question at an annual or special meeting duly warned for the purpose, pursuant to a petition signed and submitted in accordance with subsection (b) of 24 V.S.A. § 1973: "A petition for a vote on the question of disapproving an ordinance or rule shall be signed by not less than five percent of the qualified voters of the municipality, and presented to the legislative body or the clerk of the municipality within 44 days following the date of the adoption of the ordinance or rule by the legislative body."

Comments or questions should be directed to Town Administrator Valerie Capels at (802) 453-2410,, or Town of Bristol, Box 249, 1 South Street, Bristol, VT 05443.

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