Preview of City Council Meeting

Past event
Sep 12, 2022, 6 to 10 PM

Dear Neighbors,

This coming Monday, the City Council will convene its first of two scheduled meeting for the month of September.

You are welcome to attend the Council meeting in person at Contois Auditorium OR Remotely via ZOOM at the following link:
or by phone 1 929 205 6099 Webinar ID: 891 9032 4672

You can also join us via Youtube:
You can sign up for public forum via this link: or in person by completing a sign-up form inside Contois.

We will begin our meeting at 6pm with an executive session regarding collective bargaining with the fire union. This executive session is expected to take approximately one hour.

Once out of executive session, we will have a work session on BoardDocs and possible alternatives to our current software program we use to post Council and other meetings. When we held our Council retreat in May, we voiced concern for the need to look at other more comprehensive and flexible programs.

Our public forum at 7:30. Following any climate emergency reports, we have several items on our deliberative agenda, as follows:

• We will hold a public hearing on two ordinances that have come before the Council in August, one on parking maximums and a Transportation Demand Management and the other on short-term rentals. We will then vote on these ordinances.

• The City's mapping specialist will be bringing forward a redistricting map at the Council's request as per our August 15 resolution asking for a 7 ward 12 councilor map that would effectively ensure the separation of the New and Old North Ends as distinct ward from one another. This was a concern we heard with other map configurations.

• We will be getting an update from the School leadership on funding and other progress being made on the BHS/BTC project ahead of the November bond vote.

• We will be voting to bring a Charter Change to have Ranked Choice Voting in Mayoral elections. As you may recall, we approved this voting system for Council elections and will be using this for the first time in these elections this March. The Charter Change would be on the March ballot.

• We will have a presentation from the Police Commission on their annual report where they discuss their past years' activities and goals for the coming year.

• Following this presentation, we will be voting on a ground lease with Beta Technologies for the West Valley at the Airport.

• Our last item is the approval of a police recruitment and hiring coordinator, a position we approved in the FY23 budget.

I would encourage you to check out our agenda on board docs at

As always, I welcome your questions, concerns, and comments, so please be in touch. Your voice matters and I am grateful for your input.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

My best,

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