What's the Buzz on Pollinators? Habitat Enhancement for Your Land
DATE: Monday, June 30 (rain date July 2)
TIME: 4–7 pm
PLACE: River Berry Farm, Fairfax and The Farm Between, Jeffersonville
Pollinators are essential for most of the fruits and vegetables that fill our plate. Learn from farmers with backgrounds in landscape design and entomology how you can boost native pollinator populations and increase fruit and berry production on your land while at the same time make your land more beautiful/
This course is perfect for any landowner, farmer, or landcape designer. Demonstrations and discussions will include choosing plants and cover crops for season-long production of nectar and pollen, and providing nesting and overwintering habitat. $10 Vermont Land Trust members/$20 non-members. Learn more and register at www.vlt.org/events or call 802-262-1241.
Mar 8, 2025, 9 AM to 4 PM
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