Harvest Moon Walk and Celebration

Past event
Sep 9, 2022, 7 to 8:30 PM

The Shrewsbury Conservation Commission invites you come celebrate the Harvest Moon rising full and huge over the mountains this FRIDAY night BUT we confused the time the moon becomes full (5:59 pm) with time it rises up over the horizon!!!(7:22pm) Walk starts at 7:00 promptly so come a bit early to park.

Same place as announced previously- 11785 Russellville Rd -just a bit later!

Bring along a moon song, poem, or story to share. We'll supply a slice of pie and ice cream afterwards!

A chair, flashlight, and binoculars might be handy!

Registration required so we know how many pies to bake!

492-3327 or vtzippity@gmail.com

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