NEK GMC Long Trail Day Hike

Past event
Sep 10, 2022, 10 AM

The NEK Section of the Green Mountain Club will be celebrating Long Trail Day on September 10. We will be leaving the trailhead parking area where the Long Trail crosses Route 105 in Jay, VT at 10:00 a.m. We are hiking 3.9 miles to the Journey's End trailhead where vehicles will be waiting to return us to our vehicles.

The hike starts with a 1.2 mile climb to the summit of Mt. Carleton, an elevation gain of 520 feet. From there we descent 1.4 miles (about the same elevation drop) to the Canadian Border. After some photos at the border we will hike 1.3 miles out the Journey's End Trail.

We will take breaks along the way as needed. Please bring water, insect repellent, and a snack; consider wearing bright colors as it is bear season. The weather forecast looks good with highs in the 80's.

Because of the transport from the trailhead to trailhead this is not a pet friendly hike.

Looking forward to an enjoyable hike. We are also raising funds for the Green Mountain Club. If you would like to contribute go to and help us reach our fundraising goals.

Please contact to participate.

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