Everyone Eats Symposium

Past event
Sep 29, 2022, 10 AM to 4 PM

SEVCA and Vermont Everyone Eats invite you to attend the first:
Vermont Everyone Eats Prepared Meals Virtual Symposium

This Zoom event will take place on Thursday, 9/29/2022 from 10am-4pm.

The symposium will be recorded and a link sent out to registrants after the event - so click through even if you're not sure you can make it!

Are you interested in being part of an ongoing conversation about how prepared meals can play an ongoing role in statewide economic development, food systems resilience, and solutions to food insecurity?

Do you work with the public as a restaurant owner or employee, farmer, community food provider, food shelf manager, policy maker, local food advocate, social worker, counselor, medical professional, community leader, or in a related capacity? Do you work with or represent people who would benefit from greater access to prepared meals: seniors, veterans, students, child care providers, low-income households, people with disabilities?

We welcome participants from within and outside of Vermont. This event will provide opportunities for connecting with other individuals, some of whom are part of an extensive network of programs already in operation.

Anyone with an interest is welcome to participate.



Session One – Food and Nutrition as Medicine (10:00am-12:00pm)
This discussion will include a brief history of food insecurity in Vermont with a focus on the current situation in the state. There will be an active panel discussion regarding current programs operating in Vermont, coverage of successes as well as areas in need of improvement, and an exploration of gaps in the current programs in Vermont. Diverse partners serving childcare, school, senior, veteran, and other populations will be represented. Hunger Free Vermont will moderate and facilitate this discussion.

Session Two – Community Collaboration, Restaurants, and Food Insecurity (12:30-2:15 pm)
This session will be moderated by Stephanie Bonin and will include a panel comprised of Vermont Everyone Eats partners from restaurants and other stakeholders in the program. There will be an opportunity for matchmaking and Q&A as time permits.

Session Three – Policy, Advocacy, and the Past, Present, and Future of Prepared Meals (2:30-4:00pm)
This session will be moderated and facilitated by Sarah Waring, VT/NH Director of USDA Rural Development. Other participants in this panel will include Jean Hamilton of Skinny Pancake, Ben Rose of VT Emergency Management, and Gary Holloway of VT ACCD. Discussion will include the history, scope, and strategy of current prepared meals programs; policy, advocacy, and the path forward for prepared meals programs; and conversations with the directors of similar programs from other states, including Robin Manthie, director of Minnesota Central Kitchen.

This session will also feature a short segment of the forthcoming Vermont Everyone Eats documentary that has been in production since May 2022.

Please register and help us get the word out to anyone who may be interested.


Vermont Everyone Eats provides nutritious meals to Vermonters in need of food assistance as well as a stabilizing source of income for Vermont restaurants, farmers, and food producers. Vermont Everyone Eats is funded through a contract provided by the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development to Southeastern Vermont Community Action and is advised by a Statewide Task Force including perspectives from restaurant, economic development, and hunger relief advocates.

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