Hinesburg Development Review Board Meeting Agenda
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Watch live: https://www.mediafactory.org/hinesburg or on Comcast Channel 17 or 1084.
1. Agenda changes
2. Review minutes of the August 16, 2022 meeting
3. Town Wastewater Treatment Facility – 08-01-05.000 – Site plan and conditional use for development in a floodplain on a 26.05-acre parcel located on Lagoon Road.
4. Cutting Hill Beef – 04-01-23.000 - Conditional Use for a Farm Market and a sign application to be located in a barn at 2408 Shelburne Falls Road on the 87.8-acre Tap Root Farm property.
5. Haystack Crossing, Black Rock Construction - 16-20-56.500 - Subdivision final review - 60 lots, 176 dwelling units, 27,000 square feet of non-residential space (commercial, light industrial), and greenspace. Haystack Road, 76-acre parcel. Continued from the August 16, 2022 meeting.
6. Decision Deliberation
• Daniel Baldwin - 11-01-05.003 & 11-01-02.100 - Subdivision Revision - to transfer 4.78-acres from a 10.55-acre lot located at 420 Drinkwater Road to a 250+-acre lot located at 34 Drinkwater Road.
• O'Donnell & Donovan - 17-22-62.300 - 3-lot subdivision preliminary plat & PUD - 23.35-acre parcel on the south side of CVU Road.
7. News/Announcements/Correspondence
Digital materials for Development Review Board meetings are available online on the Town website at: https://www.hinesburg.org/development-review-board/agenda/drb-meeting-agenda-29
and on Dropbox at the following link:
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