Town of Richmond
Recreation Committee Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, Sept 6, 2022 at 7 - 8:30 PM
Hybrid- Town Office Conference Room C. 3rd Floor
Join Zoom Meeting:
Join by phone: (929) 205-6099
Meeting ID: 863 5730 2307
Call to Order (by 7:05pm)
Welcome and Roll Call: Welcome new members.
Public comment for non-agenda items (7:05-7:15)
Area: Outreach and Education: (7:15 - 7:40): Laura Arnesen, Executive Director, the Mad River Recreation District history, successes, and challenges.
Business: (7:40 - 8:30)
Administration: (Sheri)
Approval of Minutes from previous meeting: August 2, 2022
Request to use the Soccer Fields for a Halloween on the Green on Oct 29th. Vendors would be required to send over Certificates of Insurance. Any other items to consider or previous experience from Rec Committee perspective?
Area: Volunteers Green:
Review feedback/inquiry form for posting on website and other locations (QR CODE).
Inventory with Ad HOC committee: potential date
Review work plan: successes and what is next
Area: Funding/Grant Writing:
New grant Building Better Communities
Area: Outreach and Education:
Farmers Market idea from last meeting
Review work plan: successes and what is next
Next meeting: Oct 4, set agenda items for next meeting.
Motion to Adjourn: 8:30
Vacant (Bolton Representative)
Mark Fausel
Harland Stockwell
Kate Kreider (Co-Chair)
Kirsten Santor
Sheri Lynn (Huntington Representative) (Co-Chair)
Dec 30, 2024, 7 to 8:15 PM
A Flamy New Year's Eve!Dec 31, 2024
Alpha Series - Interactive Discussions on Life and FaithJan 3, 2025, 6:15 to 8:30 PM