Huge yard sale in Jeffersonville this weekend! Address is: 109 Sandhill Drive, Jeffersonville, Vermont, 05464. The sale will be happening from Friday, September 2nd to Monday, September 5th - 9AM to 5PM daily.
My father and I are moving out of state soon and we need to sell some things to make the move easier. Here is a list of a few of the items that will be for sale:
-Lawn tractor, stump grinder, mulch maker, tiller
-Snap-On toolbox, rolling bench, Husky Top Box, Porta-Power Set, Snap-On Scanner, Mac Scanner, table saw + bench, Snap-On tool sets, Mac tool sets, Craftsman Saw, Jig Saws, Welder w/ cart, Mac Air Ratchet, Mac Air Gun, LH drill bit set
-Beanie Babies, Beanie Baby Cards, stuffed animals, Hot Wheels, children's toys, signed sports jerseys
-Gently used women's clothing (Shirts, shorts, coats, scarves, belts, accessories), Jewelry, women's shoes
-Keurig Coffee Maker, baking pans, kitchen tools, misc. small appliances
-Coffee Table Set, Flat screen TV, Blu-Ray DVD player + surround sound speakers, Futon frame, Twin bed frame, Outdoor glass table dining set + Chairs & Cushions, Misc. garden decorations
We will accept cash or PayPal!
Our phone number is (802) 644-2484 if you have any questions about pricing or about any items for sale.
Can't wait to see you there!