(Un)fractured at Castleton University

Past event
Sep 8, 2022, 7 PM

Allyship looks differently depending on who you are and who you ask. The conversations around allyship also sound differently depending on the space you're in.

Through the lens of (Un)fractured, hosted by Vermont Public's Connor Cyrus, there is a chance for people to talk honestly about allyship in a safe space free of judgment, but not critiques. It works by creating three conversations, two of them in a fishbowl. People are separated into two groups, a group of white people who call themselves allies and another group of BIPOC (black ingenious People of Color).

During this event, each group is asked similar questions about their experiences around allyship: what it looks like, what it should look like, and how it impacts different communities. During those conversations, only people in that specific group are allowed to answer and discuss. In the final discussion, the two groups meet and discuss what they heard.

It's a chance to discuss the similarities and differences between how the two groups discuss this very important topic of allyship. This event is free.

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