Electric Transportation Event in Burlington

Past event
Sep 14, 2022, 6 PM

The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources invites you to learn about and discuss proposed rules that require auto manufacturers to provide even more electric vehicles and cleaner internal combustion engine vehicles in Vermont. These rules will further reduce greenhouse gas and air pollution from passenger cars, light-duty trucks, and medium- and heavy-duty vehicles and engines that are delivered for sale in Vermont. Adoption of these rules was recommended in Vermont's Climate Action Plan (CAP) to help reduce climate pollution from transportation in Vermont - the largest sector of emissions in Vermont. They are part of a suite of recommendations in the CAP that also include investing in public transit, bike and pedestrian lanes, and reducing the number of miles we travel through investments in our downtowns.

Link for more information and to RVSP (in-person and zoom options): https://climatechange.vermont.gov/node/537?emci=cbc81aec-4425-ed11-bd6e-281878b914e7&emd[...]126

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