Did you know that there has been an increase of 9 inches of annual rain fall in the NEK over the past 30 years and there has been a 55% increase in intense rain events? Farmers are noticing. As annual rain fall increases, soil erosion also increases, this should give us concern. Soil is the foundation of cropping systems. It is projected that in the NEK there will be a 23% increase in precipitation and 40% increase in erosion. The intersection of farmers needing to adopt to these changes to build resilience has a strong overlap with water quality. This agriculture community meeting will provide current information on the effects of climate change in agricultural production specific to Vermont including research, available carbon markets and updates on water quality in the Memphremagog Basin.
All agricultural producers, dairy, vegetable, maples, sheep, Christmas tree growers and forest land managers etc are invited to an Agriculture Community Meeting at the River of Life 1145 Route 14, Irasburg on Thursday September 1st 10:30-2:00 hosted by the Orleans County Conservation District and George Lawson at Cornerstone Dairy.
Topics covered will include the Effects of Changing Climate on Vermont's Agriculture presented by Joshua Faulkner, UVM Farming & Climate Change Program Research Assistant Professor; Carbon Markets Available in Orleans County; and Progress in Water Quality presented by Ben Copans, VTDEC Watershed Planning Supervisor.
We will have general information and related funding program information. FREE LUNCH will be provided. RSVP is requested. sarah.damsell@VT.nacdnet.net