Greensboro Farmers' Market Kids' Day!

Past event
Aug 24, 2022, 3 to 6 PM

Greensboro Farmers' Market is proud to be hosting our first annual Kids' Day! On Kids' Day, we welcome young people and their families to try out vending for the day. They can bring arts and crafts, food from their gardens, baked goods or treats, or anything else they've made or grown themselves or helped their families grow.

Kids' Day will take place on Wednesday, August 24th from 3-6 on the town green at the junctions of Lauredon and Craftsbury. The Green Mountain Skillet Lickers, an amazing local youth string band will be performing. There will be facepainting, lawn games, and ice cream!

Kids vendor slots are free! If adult family members would also like to vend for the day, it's just $10.

For more information or to sign up, please contact market manager, Carol Fairbank at, or call (802) 533-2334.

See you at the market!

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