Washington UU Congregation Aug. 21 Service

Past event
Aug 21, 2022, 10 to 11 AM

Please join us this summer on Sundays, in person, at 10:00am at the Washington Unitarian Universalist Congregation. All are welcome!

This Sunday, August 21st, we welcome back Verdis LeVar Robinson whose topic will be "Don't Sleep On This". A message about the wrinkle in our time right now. Let's wake up to the idea of acknowledging it and embracing the possibilities of what's to come instead of lying dormant, waiting for it to pass.

Verdis is the Lenora Montgomery Scholar of Excellence at Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago, where he is an Aspirant for the Unitarian Universalist Ministry and a candidate for the Masters of Divinity. Verdis holds a BM in Voice Performance from Boston University, a BS Cum Laude and an MA in History from SUNY University in Buffalo. He has served as the intern minister at the Unitarian Church of Montpelier for two years and is now the Worship Coordinator there. He is also the new Director of the Montpelier Community Gospel Choir.

We are located at 2938 VT Route 110 in the village of Washington, Vermont. Our services feature a variety of wonderful speakers and interesting topics. For this summer's schedule please visit our website: www.washingtonvtuu.org or "Like" our Facebook page: Washington VT UU Congregation.

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