Stuff the Truck Event

Past event
Aug 20, 2022, 10 AM to 12 PM

The Johnson Food Shelf is holding a STUFF THE TRUCK event at Sterling Market on Saturday, August 20th from 10:00 to 2:00. The following food items would be appreciated:

GRAINS: biscuit mix, quick bread mixes, pasta, rice pilaf, taco shells, popcorn, hot cereals
MAIN DISHES: baked beans, mac & cheese, hamburger helper, chili, beef stew, hash, ravioli, soups
MEATS & FISH: canned tuna & chicken
FRUITS & VEGGIES: canned fruit & veggies, onions, garlic, raisins/dried fruit, 100% fruit juice,
STAPLES: flour, white & brown sugar, cornmeal
OILS/CONDIMENTS: veg. oil, syrup/honey, jams/jelly, mustard, mayo, salad dressings, ketchup, salsa, gravy mix, vinegar
DAIRY: cheese, yogurts, boxed/canned puddings
CLEANING & HYGIENE SUPPLIES: laundry & dish soap, bar soap, shampoo, toothpaste/brushes, toilet paper

ALSO: The Johnson Food Shelf is in need of volunteers to help out with: deliveries, serving our shoppers or stocking shelves. If you could find a few hours a month to volunteer, the Food Shelf would be very grateful.

Thank you!

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