Essex Selectboard Meeting

Past event
Aug 15, 2022, 6:30 PM

The Essex Selectboard has a regular meeting the evening of Monday, August 15. This is a hybrid meeting that will be held in person at the Town Offices at 81 Main Street, Essex Junction and online using the Zoom meetings platform. Full agendas and packets are available at Options to participate or watch the meeting can be found at Public WIFI is available at municipal offices, libraries, and hotspots mapped by VT Public Service Dept. as found here:

Join Zoom Meeting
Dial 1 (888)-788-0099 toll free
Meeting ID: 987 8569 1140
Passcode: 032060

Business Items
- *Consider appointment(s) of volunteer(s) to serve on the Economic Development Commission: Rey Garofano Rebecca Robinson, Brian Shelden, Ken Signorello
- Discussion about budget goals for fiscal year 2024
- Consider adoption of updates to Town of Essex Personnel Guidelines
- Discussion and potential action on nominating a delegate for the Vermont League of Cities and Towns (VLCT) 2022 Legislative Policy and Annual Meeting
- *Discussion about appointment or employment or evaluation of a public officer or employee
- *Discussion and potential action about the negotiating or securing of real estate purchase or lease options
- *Discussion about contracts
- Consider approval of Consent Items: approve minutes of August 1, 2022; approve check warrants; Consider approval of purchase of public safety virtual reality training system; Consider approval of corrections of errors and omissions on the 2022 Grand List as provided for in 31 V.S.A. 4261

*All or part of these items may be held in executive session.

REMINDER: Face coverings are optional if attending meetings in person and social distancing is encouraged. For more information please contact Deputy Manager Marguerite Ladd at 878-1341 or

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