Washington UU Congregation Aug. 14 Service

Past event
Aug 14, 2022, 10 to 11 AM

Please join us this summer on Sundays, in person, at 10:00am at the Washington Unitarian Universalist Congregation. We are located at 2938 VT Route 110 in the village of Washington, Vermont. All are welcome!

This Sunday, August 14th, the topic will be: "Song & Silence" with Rev. Simon Ruth de Voil. In this service Rev. Simon Ruth de Voil will explore how song is an act of creation that invites us to listen with our whole selves. We often think of singing as expressive and outward focused—closer to speaking than listening. But the skilled musician is always listening, resting in the pause, the breath, and through that listening finds a hidden meaning inside the music.

Simon Ruth de Voil is an ordained interfaith/interspiritual minister, trained to be a sacred presence outside the conventions of traditional religion. As a sacred musician, spiritual mentor and worship leader he incorporates chant, ritual, storytelling and mindful practice to create a space for profound connection and sacred witness. Simon provides music for worship, ceremony, and prayer in a wide variety of churches and non-religious spiritual communities. He particularly loves to create music for meditation, healing services, and rites of passage. Simon's spiritual path and teaching is deeply rooted in Celtic Christianity, the wisdom of the earth, and in the Scottish land where he's spent most of his life.

Our services feature a variety of wonderful speakers and interesting topics. For this summer's schedule please visit our website: www.washingtonvtuu.org or "Like" our Facebook page: Washington VT UU Congregation.

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